Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We went to a "Chicken Yard Sale"

I forgot to post about this! My MIL and I went to a chicken yard sale about a week ago and saw a lot of neat things! They had peacocks for sale, EMU EGGS, mini-donkeys with carts, geese, pheasant, quail, bunnies, goats... It was really fun! Unfortunately I was so excited to look at everything I forgot to take my camera out of my bag! DUH!!

Ok, I admit it... there were chicks there... very cute chicks... and... well... I came home with 4 more chickens!! AHHH!!! We have 51 CHICKENS NOW!! AHHHH!!!! But they were so CUTE! We got 2 more silkies (these are show quality - REALLY NICE!) and 2 turkens... better known as Naked Necks... God they are homely... I had to get them... They are so UGLY!! Hahaa!!

Here are some pics... ENJOY!
Splash and Choo-Choo
That night Splash & Choo-Choo climbed in with the babies and snuggled them... Good moms in the making!!!
These babies will need scarves!
Come on... How could I resist this ugliness??? They are so gross they're cute...

Oh, and look how big the others are now!!!


Anonymous said...

too cute

Unknown said...


Oh, as a side note, I forgot to mention that whenever she saw and egg my MIL would ask "Can you eat that?" much to the horror of the breeders. She even asked that about the EMU eggs!! Hahaha!! (She likes to freak people out and is the QUEEN of straight face)